four trees by a stream 28" x 18.5" wax pastel on printouts
cavern option 17" x 11" digital drawing
the ladder 17" x 11.75" digital drawing
candyland detour 28" x 18.5" wax pastel and colored pencil on paper
passage with orange forms 28" x 18.5" wax pastel on paper
heads or tails, the valley lies beyond 28" x 18.5" wax pastel on paper
cul de sac meets cliffhanger 28" x 18.5" wax pastel and colored pencil on paper
a stage set in space 44" x 30" wax pastel, ink, acrylic paint, and chalk on paper
founding fathers 44" x 30" colored pencil, sumi ink, and walnut ink on paper
portraits from sketchbooks pencil, wax pastel, ink
portraits from sketchbooks pencil, wax pastel, ink
scenes from a deluge sketchbook pages
Sancho Panza moves on sketchbook drawing
father and son are banished digital drawing
self portrait as a young harbor seal digital drawing
machine 17" x 10" japanese black inks on paper
cyclopes interacting with the world collected drawings
under the bridges---chicago 44" x 30" pencil and ink on paper
chorus and city 27" x 39" wax pastel on paper